Since 2017's *Star Trek: Discovery*, the franchise has enjoyed a resurgence, culminating in the recent release of *Star Trek: Section 31* on Paramount+. While *Section 31* may not have met all expectations, the modern era of *Star Trek* boasts some truly exceptional series. With the highs of *Strange New Worlds* and the more divisive reception of *Section 31*, now's the perfect time to rank every modern *Star Trek* series and share your opinions.
Yes, we're including *Section 31*—even though it's a film—because of its origins as a planned series. Create your own tier list below and compare it to the IGN community's rankings. Do you agree that *Strange New Worlds* reigns supreme? Does *Discovery* deserve a higher ranking than its current placement? The power to decide is in your hands!
Star Trek Series of the Modern Era
Personally, I found *Picard*'s third season a significant improvement, more than compensating for the shortcomings of the first two seasons, earning it an A in my book. *Prodigy* also holds a special place in my heart; it's essentially the *Voyager* sequel I never knew I wanted, deserving at least a B, if not higher!
Check out my tier list below, then explore our guides on watching *Star Trek* in chronological order, the latest news on the live-action comedy and *Starfleet Academy* series, and our analysis of what happened to *Star Trek 4*.