
作者: Mia Mar 17,2025

喬治·RR·馬丁(George RR Martin)的《冬天》(The Winter of Winter )是備受期待的《冰與火之歌》系列中的第六本書,仍然是最熱切期待的小說作品之一。在2011年與Dragons發行的舞蹈(第5冊)之後,其創作已經跨越了十年,與HBO的《權力的遊戲》 (第2-8季)及其前傳龍之家(Seasons of the Dragon )(季節1-2)相吻合。



  • When will it come out?
  • How long will it be?
  • Story details
  • Book vs. TV series


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Currently, there's no official release date or timeframe for The Winds of Winter . Initial hopes for completion by October 2015 and a March 2016 release (ahead of Game of Thrones Season 6) were not met. Subsequent optimistic predictions in January 2017 (before year's end), and a 2021 target in 2020, also proved inaccurate. Martin's last public estimate appears to be in 2021.

In October 2022, Martin reported being approximately 75% complete with the manuscript.但是,2023年11月的進度更新表明完成了1,100頁,這一數字與他2022年12月在斯蒂芬·科爾伯特(Stephen Colbert)的後期演出中出現一致。 A December 2024 interview acknowledged the possibility that he might not complete The Winds of Winter within his lifetime.
您認為George RR Martin會完成冰與火之歌嗎?


The Winds of Winter is anticipated to be around 1,500 pages. As of November 2023, Martin stated he'd written approximately 1,100 pages, with "hundreds more pages to go." He's previously indicated that the final two A Song of Ice and Fire books will collectively exceed 3,000 pages.冬季的1,500頁風將超過其前身的長度,龍的舞蹈(在其原始精裝版中略高於1,000頁)。


(This section avoids spoilers beyond character names.)

冬天的風將繼續聞到烏鴉的盛宴的敘事和與龍的舞蹈(書4和5),其中具有平行的故事情節和不同的角色觀點。 Martin has suggested a dramatic opening:

“There were a lot of cliffhangers at the end of A Dance with Dragons . Those will be resolved very early.我將與我要進行的兩次大戰,冰上的戰鬥[Stannis Baratheon vs. Roose Bolton在Winterfell附近]和Meereen的戰鬥 - Slaver's Bay的戰鬥[Daenerys Targaryen vs. Yunkai Slavers]。”

The paths of Daenerys Targaryen and Tyrion Lannister will converge, although they remain largely separated for much of the book. Dothraki將以突出的特色,牆壁將展開重大事件。 Martin has also mentioned an "interesting take on unicorns." He's described the overall tone as darker, with "a lot of dark chapters" and characters facing difficult circumstances.


截至2016年,馬丁不打算引入新的觀點角色。 Confirmed POV characters include:

  • Tyrion Lannister
  • Cersei Lannister
  • Jaime Lannister and/or Brienne of Tarth
  • 艾莉亞·史塔克(Arya Stark)
  • Sansa Stark
  • Bran Stark
  • Theon Greyjoy
  • Asha Greyjoy
  • Victarion Greyjoy
  • Aeron Greyjoy/Damphair
  • Barristan Selmy
  • Arianne Martell
  • Areo Hotah
  • Jon Connington

Daenerys Targaryen is almost certainly another POV character. Davos Seaworth, Samwell Tarly, and Melisandre are potential additions. Jeyne Westerling will appear (possibly not as a POV character).

Winds of Winter : Book vs. TV Show

Due to the books' greater scope and complexity, The Winds of Winter will significantly diverge from Game of Thrones . Martin has stated that characters' fates will differ; some who died in the show will live in the books, and vice versa. New characters and expanded roles for existing ones (absent from the show) are also expected.

馬丁(Martin)的2022年博客文章強調了這些差異,強調了書籍獨有的POV角色(Victarion Greyjoy,Arianne Martell,Arianne Martell,Areo Hotah,Jon Connington,Aeron Damphair)以及對Yarra和Euron Greyjoy等角色的對比刻畫。 He also mentions the importance of characters like Lady Stoneheart, Young Griff, and others absent from the show. The ending, too, is expected to deviate substantially. Martin's comments suggest a richer and more nuanced narrative than the show's final season.



A Dream of Spring , the planned seventh and final book, is also anticipated to be 1,500 pages or longer. Martin has hinted at a bittersweet conclusion. No release date is available.

除了一首冰和火之歌,馬丁還創作了第二卷Targaryen歷史(可能名為“血與火” ),其他扣籃和雞蛋中篇小說(與HBO即將到來的七個王國騎士有關),並繼續參與了與野生卡片共享的宇宙的參與,以及和AMC的黑風的製作。