George RR Martin's The Winds of Winter , the sixth book in the highly anticipated A Song of Ice and Fire series, remains one of the most eagerly awaited works of fiction. Following the 2011 release of A Dance with Dragons (Book 5), its creation has spanned over a decade, coinciding with the broadcast of HBO's Game of Thrones (Seasons 2-8) and its prequel, House of the Dragon (Seasons 1-2).
While Martin continues his work, we've compiled a summary of everything currently known about The Winds of Winter , encompassing his comments on its length, projected release, storyline, and key differences from the television adaptation.
Atlayın :
- When will it come out?
- How long will it be?
- Story details
- Book vs. TV series

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Kış çıkış tarihinin rüzgarları
Currently, there's no official release date or timeframe for The Winds of Winter . Initial hopes for completion by October 2015 and a March 2016 release (ahead of Game of Thrones Season 6) were not met. Subsequent optimistic predictions in January 2017 (before year's end), and a 2021 target in 2020, also proved inaccurate. Martin's last public estimate appears to be in 2021.
In October 2022, Martin reported being approximately 75% complete with the manuscript. However, progress updates in November 2023 indicated the completion of 1,100 pages—a figure consistent with his December 2022 appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert . A December 2024 interview acknowledged the possibility that he might not complete The Winds of Winter within his lifetime. Cevaplar SonuçlarıKış uzunluğundaki rüzgarlar
The Winds of Winter is anticipated to be around 1,500 pages. As of November 2023, Martin stated he'd written approximately 1,100 pages, with "hundreds more pages to go." He's previously indicated that the final two A Song of Ice and Fire books will collectively exceed 3,000 pages. A 1,500-page Winds of Winter would surpass the length of its predecessor, A Dance with Dragons (slightly over 1,000 pages in its original hardcover edition).
Kış Hikayesi Rüzgarları
(This section avoids spoilers beyond character names.)
The Winds of Winter will continue the narratives of A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons (Books 4 and 5), which featured parallel storylines and different character perspectives. Martin has suggested a dramatic opening:
“There were a lot of cliffhangers at the end of A Dance with Dragons . Bunlar çok erken çözülecek. I'm going to open with the two big battles that I was building up to, the battle in the ice [Stannis Baratheon vs. Roose Bolton near Winterfell] and the battle at Meereen—the battle of Slaver's Bay [Daenerys Targaryen vs. Yunkai slavers].”

Daenerys Targaryen ve Tyrion Lannister'ın yolları birleşecek, ancak kitabın çoğu için büyük ölçüde ayrılıyorlar. Dothraki göze çarpacak ve duvarda önemli olaylar ortaya çıkacak. Martin ayrıca "tek boynuzlu atlara ilginç bir bakıştan" da bahsetti. Genel tonu daha koyu olarak tanımladı, "çok sayıda karanlık bölüm" ve karakterlerle karşı karşıya karakterler.
Kış karakterlerinin rüzgarları
2016 itibariyle Martin, yeni bakış açısı karakterleri tanıtmayı planlamadı. Onaylanmış POV karakterleri şunları içerir:
- Tyrion Lannister
- Cersei Lannister
- Jaime Lannister ve/veya Tarth Brienne
- Arya Stark
- Sansa Stark
- Bran Stark
- Theon Greyjoy
- Asha Greyjoy
- Victarion Greyjoy
- Aeron Greyjoy/Numanhair
- Barristan Selmy
- Arianne Martell
- Areo Hotah
- Jon Connington
Daenerys Targaryen neredeyse kesinlikle başka bir POV karakteri. Davos Seaworth, Samwell Tarly ve Melisandre potansiyel eklemelerdir. Jeyne Westerling görünecek (muhtemelen bir POV karakteri olarak değil).

Kış Rüzgarları : Kitap ve TV Şovu
Kitapların daha büyük kapsamı ve karmaşıklığı nedeniyle, kış rüzgarları Game of Thrones'dan önemli ölçüde ayrılacak. Martin, karakterlerin kaderlerinin farklı olacağını belirtti; Şovda ölen bazıları kitaplarda yaşayacak ve tam tersi. Mevcut karakterler için yeni karakterler ve genişletilmiş roller (şovdan yoksun) da bekleniyor.
A 2022 blog post by Martin emphasizes these differences, highlighting the inclusion of POV characters exclusive to the books (Victarion Greyjoy, Arianne Martell, Areo Hotah, Jon Connington, Aeron Damphair) and the contrasting portrayals of characters like Yarra and Euron Greyjoy. Ayrıca Lady Stoneheart, Young Griff ve şovda bulunmayan diğerleri gibi karakterlerin öneminden bahsediyor. Sonun da önemli ölçüde sapması bekleniyor. Martin'in yorumları, şovun son sezonundan daha zengin ve daha nüanslı bir anlatı öneriyor.
A key difference, teased by Martin in 2016, involves a major plot twist impossible to replicate in the show, involving a character dead in the show but alive in the books.Bahar ve diğer gelecekteki işlerin rüyası
Bir bahar rüyası , planlanan yedinci ve son kitap da 1.500 sayfa veya daha uzun olması bekleniyor. Martin acı tatlı bir sonuca işaret etti. Çıkış tarihi yok.
Beyond A Song of Ice and Fire , Martin is working on a second volume of Targaryen history (potentially titled Blood & Fire ), additional Dunk and Egg novellas (relevant to HBO's upcoming Knight of the Seven Kingdoms ), and continues his involvement with the Wild Cards shared universe, as well as producing House of the Dragon and AMC's Dark Winds .