Yakuza /像龙迷一样,选择即将到来的官方商品,从邪教的衣服,交通锥和更多奇异的物品中

作者: Jack Mar 14,2025

为了庆祝其成立20周年,Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio正在让歌迷选择其下一个官方商品!粉丝可以从惊人的100件项目中进行选择,并承诺在未来两年内发布前两个投票者。在官方网站(日语)上进行的投票提供了各种各样的选择。

虽然有些选择更常规,例如周年纪念帽衫或铅笔盒,但许多其他选择令人奇怪,直接从该系列著名的古怪历史中汲取灵感。该选择包括标志性的物品,例如来自Yakuza 0的Munan Suzuki的崇拜服装,Majima臭名昭著的交通锥藏在Yakuza Kiwami的位置,以及有趣的名字“ Puffy Gold Pants”。

Other memorable items up for grabs include Majima's sake cup from Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth , Akiyama's gold watch, Kiryu's fountain pen from Yakuza 6 , Kashiwagi's karaoke tambourine from Yakuza: Like a Dragon , Kiryu's wrestling mask from Yakuza 3 , and Saejima's prison uniform from Yakuza 4 , among many other古怪的选择。

2025年不仅标志着20周年纪念日,而且还看到了《像龙:2月21日的无限财富》的发行。 While a second release in the anniversary year isn't confirmed, RGG Studio's history of rapid development—nine games in the last five years, including Yakuza: Like a Dragon , Judgment Remastered , Lost Judgment , Like a Dragon: Ishin , Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name , and Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth , plus two Super Monkey Ball games and a Virtua Fighter 5 remaster—suggests it's certainly within the realm of possibility.

粉丝可以投票的一些项目(图片来源:RGG Studio)