Niantic,Scopely及其母公司Savvy Games Group拒绝公开评论所谓的收购。
在沙特阿拉伯政府宣布打算收购领先的游戏出版商的意图之后,Savvy Games Group于2023年4月以49亿美元的价格收购了Spopely。 Spopely的投资组合包括几个成功的手机游戏,包括《行尸走肉:生存之路》 , 《绊脚石》 , 《漫威罢工》和《垄断》 。
2022年,精明的游戏集团还投资了15亿美元,以收购两个著名的电子竞技组织ESL和Faceit 。
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz stated at the time, “Savvy Games Group is one part of our ambitious strategy aiming to make Saudi Arabia the ultimate global hub for the games and esports sector by 2030. We are harnessing the untapped potential across the esports and games sector to diversify our economy, drive innovation in the sector, and further scale the entertainment and esports competition offerings across the王国。”