As we approach the end of the *Marvel Rivals* themed season in *Marvel Snap*, a lingering reward from the October's We Are Venom season is up for grabs in the returning High Voltage game mode. The question on everyone's mind: is the latest symbiote, Lasher, worth the effort?
How Lasher Works in Marvel Snap
Lasher is a 2-cost, 2-power card with an intriguing ability: "Activate: Afflict an enemy card here with negative Power equal to this card’s Power." At its core, Lasher can reduce an opponent's card by -2 power, but its true potential shines when buffed. In *Marvel Snap*, numerous cards can enhance Lasher's power, making it more impactful than other free cards like Agony and King Etri.
For instance, using Namora can boost Lasher to 7 power, or even 12 power if you retrigger her with Wong or Odin, effectively turning Lasher into a 14 or 24 power play. Lasher synergizes exceptionally well with the season pass card, Galacta. Remember, as an Activate card, you need to play Lasher by turn 5 to maximize its effect.
Best Lasher Decks in Marvel Snap
While Lasher's role is still evolving, it fits well into the Silver Surfer meta deck, known for its buff capabilities. Here's a deck list to consider:
- Nova
- Forge
- Lasher
- Okoye
- Brood
- Silver Surfer
- Killmonger
- Nakia
- Red Guardian
- Sebastian Shaw
- Copycat
- Galacta: Daughter of Galactus
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This deck includes high-cost Series 5 cards like Red Guardian, Sebastian Shaw, Copycat, and Galacta (if you have the season pass). However, you can replace them with other strong 3-cost cards like Juggernaut or Polaris. Lasher serves as a third target for Forge, but it's often best saved for Brood or Sebastian Shaw. After playing Galacta on turn 4, Lasher becomes a crucial target for buffs, turning it into a formidable 10-power card with -5 energy affliction on the final turn.
This Silver Surfer deck is versatile and allows for experimentation, with notable exclusions being Absorbing Man, Gwenpool, and Sera.
Lasher might also find a niche in affliction decks without buffs, but it's worth exploring its synergy with Namora as a primary buff card. Here's another deck to consider:
- Agony
- Zabu
- Lasher
- Psylocke
- Hulk Buster
- Jeff!
- Captain Marvel
- Scarlet Spider
- Galacta: Daughter of Galactus
- Gwenpool
- Symbiote Spider-Man
- Namora
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This deck is expensive, featuring several Series 5 cards like Scarlet Spider, Galacta, Gwenpool, Symbiote Spider-Man, and Namora. Jeff can be swapped for Nightcrawler. The deck leverages Galacta, Gwenpool, and Namora to buff cards like Lasher and Scarlet Spider, which then spread power across the board. Zabu and Psylocke help play these high-cost cards earlier, while Symbiote Spider-Man reactivates Namora. Jeff! and Hulk Buster offer additional support and flexibility.
Is Lasher Worth Playing High Voltage For?
As *Marvel Snap* grows more challenging to keep up with, Lasher is certainly worth the grind in High Voltage. This quick game mode offers various rewards, making it worthwhile to tackle the challenge missions that refresh every 8 hours. While Lasher might not become a meta staple, its inclusion in several meta-relevant decks, similar to Agony, justifies the effort. So, if you have the time, dive into High Voltage and secure Lasher for your collection.