Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2: Medallion Locations & Guide

Author: Alexis Mar 13,2025

Dive into the thrilling new Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 2: Lawless, where a showdown with the mob boss awaits! Defeating this formidable enemy unlocks powerful rewards – the coveted Medallions. This guide reveals all the Medallions and how to obtain them.

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Chapter 6, Season 1 left its mark, introducing Medallions that significantly boosted player abilities. Season 2 ups the ante with even more potent Medallions. Let's explore them:

Unstoppable Medallion

This Medallion lives up to its name! It significantly increases your sprint speed and adds a powerful melee attack while sprinting, letting you smash enemies as you run past.

Super Shield Medallion

Complementing the increased speed, the Super Shield Medallion deploys a temporary Shield Bubble Jr. while using healing items like Med Kits or Shield Potions. This provides crucial protection during healing, turning a vulnerable moment into a strategic advantage.

Related: All Ways to Open the Vault in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 2

How to Get All the Medallions in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 2

Shogun X in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 2 as part of an article about Medallions.

To claim these powerful Medallions, you'll need to conquer formidable bosses. Here's where to find them:

Fletcher Kane

The main antagonist of Lawless, Fletcher Kane, and his henchmen are scattered across the map. His location is revealed at the start of each match, leading you to his vault where he guards the Unstoppable Medallion and his powerful Mythic weapon, the Fletcher Kane’s Double Down Pistol.

Shogun X

Returning from Chapter 6, Season 1, Shogun X roams the map, making his location more challenging to pinpoint. You'll likely need to venture to his island for a fierce battle and the chance to claim his unique Medallion.

That's your complete guide to all Medallions in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 2. Good luck in your quest to conquer the Lawless season! For more information on upcoming collaborations, stay tuned.

Fortnite is available on various platforms, including Meta Quest 2 and 3.