Japan's leading beauty clinic word-of-mouth and reservation site, trusted by over 1 million users monthly. Discover your perfect clinic among Japan's top-rated cosmetic medicine review platform, boasting 150,000+ reviews!
-+-+ Cosmetic Medicine Review Square Features +-+-
- Over 700 bookable clinics with points rewards.
- 12 years of trusted service and 150,000+ reviews for reliable clinic ratings.
- 30,000+ official before-and-after photos showcasing treatment results.
- Transparent pricing based on over 2.5 billion yen in treatment data from 20,000+ annual cases.
- Filter clinics by specific needs: "Female staff only," "Reservations required," and more.
- Extensive videos detailing treatments and their effects.
- Save favorite clinics and compare them easily!
-+-+ Benefits of Booking Through Our Review Platform +-+-
- Redeem points at any bookable clinic.
- Earn up to 10% points back by sharing reviews and case photos.
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- Access exclusive special plans available only on Review Plaza!
-+-+ Popular Treatments +-+-
Double eyelid surgery, tear trough treatment, eye area treatments, nose reshaping, nose tip refinement, lip augmentation, face slimming, E-line creation, mole removal, laser hair removal, breast augmentation, stain removal, acne/scar treatment, skin rejuvenation, pore reduction, wrinkle treatments, body contouring, liposuction, hair loss treatment, underarm treatment, anti-aging treatments, permanent makeup, minor plastic surgery, and bear removal.
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